Mom Shift

Two weeks into maternity leave - away from the office, offline from clients and deliverables.  Since my last Teams call, we’ve welcomed a new little human to our tribe.  A human that came from my body, after baking there for 39 weeks.  It is an incredible privilege to...

"I love you, mommy" are four words that can make you melt like butter inside.   They can make your heart feel like it might explode with love.   They can make you break down in tears.   They can make you feel that everything...

Motherhood can be totally overwhelming.  The responsibilities are endless and it's a continuous roll of meals (with a lot of effort in the preparation, very rarely appreciated by the little one consuming the end product!) and sleep times, dressing and undressing, playing trains and dolls...

I've been back at work for two weeks now, after an extended maternity leave of eight months. In these two weeks I can't count the number of times I've been asked "was it difficult to leave your children at home?", "are you doing ok?", "don't...