Growth Shift

A week before my 38th birthday, I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a bus.  The only thing that got me out of bed was having to run to the loo to throw up.  My thoughts were “get up, you’ll be fine. ...

It was the perfect beach afternoon.  There was a cool breeze coming off the cold sea, mixed with the warm winds from the sand and mountains behind us.  The beach was packed with people playing ball games and chatting happily with family and friends.  There...

Last week my son started reading.  Actual words.  I had one of those mom moments when I thought ‘how can we be here already?!’ as I listened to them learning the words with their teacher on the online Zoom class.  We then had to practice...

Have you gone through something you’ve gone through before, but it’s different somehow?  Like when you order your favourite pizza toppings in a different restaurant and although the ingredients are exactly the same, it’s just not the same?  Or when you arrive at your regular...

The last few days of 2020.  We finally made it! What a year it has been.  Many of us probably started the year with goals and intentions, plans and dreams which may not all have turned out how we had in mind.  Holiday plans were...

Fear.  Noun.  An unpleasant feeling triggered by the perception of danger, real or imagined. Fear.  Verb.  To be afraid of someone or something as likely to be dangerous, painful or harmful. I’m a worrier and get anxious about things when I cannot control them, so I plan...