Author: Donna Carol Gray

Today, the first day of my summer holiday, felt rather different from any other first day of summer holidays. Today, I have only one phone and no laptop. Today, I had no guilt for not keeping an eye on emails coming in on my work...

Women apparently speak between 15 000 and 20 000 words per day.  This is far more than men, I’m lead to believe.  These words are spoken to strangers, colleagues, friends and family and yet how many of these words are really real?  How many reveal the true...

Those of you who've visited New York will understand when I try to explain it as a blurred oil painting, as if hundreds of different colours are moving so fast across the canvas that they blur into each other.  There are thousands of people, moving...

"I love you, mommy" are four words that can make you melt like butter inside.   They can make your heart feel like it might explode with love.   They can make you break down in tears.   They can make you feel that everything...

My son's favorite game at the moment is Hide and Seek.  Although he can count well, when it's my turn to hide, he generally does a shortened 'one, two, skip a few, ten' before he calls out "Ready or not, here I come!".  He's caught...

Motherhood can be totally overwhelming.  The responsibilities are endless and it's a continuous roll of meals (with a lot of effort in the preparation, very rarely appreciated by the little one consuming the end product!) and sleep times, dressing and undressing, playing trains and dolls...

There is something so peaceful about being in the bush.  It's the quiet way that everything goes about it's way, respectful of one another and without much fuss. Everything is totally at peace with itself and it's position in the continuous circle of life.  Each...

One of my favorite Julia Roberts movies is Runaway Bride. Maggie embarks on a journey of self discovery after realizing she's been reinventing herself over and over, to please others. Her first step is discovering how she like her eggs done. I've recently been asked what...

If life gives you lemons, drink tequila (or make lemonade if tequila is not your thing). Right?  But there is only so much tequila or lemonade you can drink before you have to face the facts, acknowledge the situation and move on.  The great Nelson...