Author: Donna Carol Gray

Sometimes, actually to be honest – all the time, I catch myself doing so many things at one time. While I was unpacking the groceries today, I caught myself unpacking the bags, cutting a slice of lemon for the sparkling water I had just made,...

Our Sunday afternoons generally include a family walk (including our dog child, Max) to the park a block from our house. On sunny afternoons there are usually quite a few families playing soccer and on the swings and jungle gyms. A while back, a little...

So, let’s get honest with ourselves. Give this question some real thought. Would you talk to your best friend the way you speak to yourself? I’m guessing that the answer for most of you would be something along the lines of “absolutely not”. For me,...

Yesterday was Women’s Day in South Africa. I thought a lot about the amazing tribe of women in my life. In each stage of my life there have been women I could look up to and learn from, women I could get encouragement and guidance...

This week is our eighth wedding anniversary. Thirteen years dating, eight years married. I can still so clearly remember our first date - Marcel’s frozen yogurt and a walk around the Stellenbosch Botanical Gardens. It feels like yesterday and at the same time somehow feels...